Warning to the Farmer Protestors
This article is dedicated to the brave farmers opposing the ruthless asset stripping operation also known as Agenda 2030. One of the main concerns for this emerging rebellion of is controlled opposition leading the movement nowhere or in to a new system that is far worse and beyond reform than the current one.
For example look at the Dutch farmers protests which resulted in the political party BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) founded by Caroline Van der Plas, Wim Groot Koerkamp and Henk Vermeer. Henk Vermeer runs a marketing firm ReMarkable is employed by Bayer-Monsanto and other agriculture chemical giants.
So far all we have really seen emerge from this new political party is the prevention of a ban on Bayer-Monsanto's glyphosate fertilizer. Also worth noting; BBB has received over 200,000 Euros in illegal donations from ReMarkable.
ReMarkable website customer section: https://remarkable.nl/en/customers
The Dutch farmers sided with BBB feeling like they were going to be moving forward against the policies that are slowly bankrupting them but have so far only put themselves further into a situation of dependence on big chemical companies. After the revocation of the ban on glyphosate BBB lobbied for the stock price of Bayer which went up and continues to thrive while the farmers struggle to make ends meet.
Glyphosate is extremely destructive for the soil, gets into our food and is considered a 'forever chemical' (chemicals which stay in the body forever) leading to a variety of major health problems including cancer; and allergies to gluten.
The first obvious parallel with the farmers protests in the rest of Europe and the Dutch farmers is the recent prevention of a reduction in pesticide use which includes glyphosate, great news for Bayer-Monsanto’s profit margin though.
Matteo Salvini, Italian Transport Minister, leader of the Lega Party and self appointed parliamentary spokes person for the farmers – also the individual who proposed the pesticide roll back to Ursula von der Leyen in European Parliament praised the withdrawn pesticide regulations and said, "Hurray for the farmers, who’s tractors are forcing Europe to go back on the follies imposed by the multinationals and the left." Not really the case when Bayer-Monsanto is one of the main beneficiaries of this reversal. It also means the general public will still be receiving poisonous food through the continued use of these chemicals. There will be a small cost reduction which will offer a brief respite financially but at the continued expense of peoples health and the farmers own continued dependence on these huge chemical corporations. In effect Ursula von Der lyen withdrew the pesticedes reduction plan well before the protest on the ground of a lack of budget that would have been associated with the implementation of the plan.
In March 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s United Russia ruling party signed a cooperation agreement with Matteo Salvini’s Lega Party to enhance their ties and this agreement remains active today.
Buzzfeed news revealed they had a secret recording in 2019 that representatives for the Lega party met with Vladimir Putin’s representatives:
“The six men — three Russians, three Italians — gathered beneath the spectacular painted glass ceiling in the hotel lobby last October had their eyes on history too. Their nominal purpose was an oil deal; their real goal was to undermine liberal democracies and shape a new, nationalist Europe aligned with Moscow.
BuzzFeed News has obtained an explosive audio recording of the Metropol meeting in which a close aide of Europe’s most powerful far-right leader — Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini — and the other five men can be heard negotiating the terms of a deal to covertly channel tens of millions of dollars of Russian oil money to Salvini’s Lega party.
The recording reveals the elaborate lengths the two sides were willing to go to conceal the fact that the true beneficiary of the deal would be Salvini’s party — a breach of Italian electoral law, which bans political parties from accepting large foreign donations — despite the comfort with which he and Europe’s other far-right leaders publicly parade their pro-Kremlin political sympathies.”
The narrative that Russia is pushing back against the corrupt Western institutions is false, Putin is a staunch supporter of all things Western subversion, when he attacks Western civilization as disgusting and wrong it is ironic because it was Russian influence operations and subversion, to a large degree that has demoralized the West.
Putin is not fighting radical liberalism it is the liberal democracy that gives the freedom to have a radical liberal party or any other variation we choose. Russia is not a free country, the government controls all communications: television, radio and press. In fact Russia ranked 10th in the Global Impunity Index for the killings of journalists. Even though in the West a lot of our institutions are corrupt but we still have the frame work of a democracy which can be used by anybody with the knowledge and motivation to take action.
KGB defector Maj. Gen. Oleg Kalugin called subversion and active measures (political warfare) “the heart and soul of Soviet intelligence.”
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov said, “I was engaged in something much more unpleasant than espionage. I was engaged in ideological subversion, which is seldom explained to people by your media, because the media is part of that process.” and, “Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union, and show him a concentration camp,
he will refuse to believe it, until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That is the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.”
KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn said, “Behind the mask of diplomatic and political cooperation and partnership with the United States and Europe, the current Russian leaders are following the strategy of their predecessors and working towards a ‘New World Order’. When the right moment comes the mask will be dropped and the Russians with Chinese will seek to impose their system on the West on their own terms.”
Russia and China have recently made leaps and bounds in their relationship with plans for new rail networks, strategic partnerships, collaboration on military projects, sharing of intellectual property (which was stolen from the West in most cases) and an ongoing effort to undermine Western institutions and trade security.
Above: https://eec.eaeunion.org/en/news/eaes-i-kitay-razvivayut-strategicheskoe-partnerstvo/
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU or EEU) is an economic union of five post-Soviet states located in Eurasia. The EAEU has an integrated single market. As of 2023, it consists of 183 million people and a gross domestic product of over $2.4 trillion.
The Commission's representative has noted that China is not only a leading trade and economic partner of the Union, but also a key transportation and logistics center in the Eurasian space.
Russia is a big player in Chinas Belt and Road railway infrastructure that will push China and Russia into the seat of World power through trade domination creating a New World Order - pushing Western countries into total poverty after sucking away the remaining industrial manufacturing capabilities we have left through the backdoor that is Israel who have played a major role in this attempt to shift the axis of power from West to East, Russia historically share a close relationship with Israel and have been using it as a proxy with China to access Western high technology and secrets for decades.
With all these new economic developments coupled with the pro-Russia influences saying we should ‘tear down the system’ it almost seems obvious what the intention is and where we are going, the system will be already made up waiting for us.
Russian influence is pervasive in the alternative media, most of the large channels can be linked directly to influence operations spearheaded by military intelligence.
In more recent years the alternative right has rose to popularity, branding themselves revolutionaries and patriots perpetuating freedom and liberty but are wolves in sheep’s clothing, Judas goats leading us to the slaughter. The influence these channels has is enormous but they are a pre-emptive strike towards seekers of freedom rather than a catalyst for change.
Perception management influence operations are now standard practice, they use less resources than other conventional methods of warfare and it has been refined and transformed through the invention of the internet.
The sophisticated datasets from user information and inputs from phones, social media etc combined with advanced data analytical capabilities enable precision targetting of people.
We are more vulnerable to attack and subversive activity from than ever before – though this does not mean we can use the internet in ways that will liberate ourselves; we just have to always be aware of the influence operations that are targeting us.
You have probably heard of Q Anon, an alleged insider from the United States Government who is convincing people that there is a counter-coup inside the military and the ruling elite are being arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay for execution, among other wild tales. The purpose of this is to prevent action, to send people into a form of psychosis and also to use as an example to discredit legitimate whistleblowers coming forward with information.
The alternative media do not provide an any practical solutions, you will be informed to a point and dazzled by some of the information you see them reveal but often the blame lands on Western institutions being the ones that are intent on the destruction of civilisation and the narratives they give are writhing with twists and lies that are easily proven wrong by fact checking websites which then further discredits the part truth in their analysis to the rest of the public.
A lot of the anger from the farmer protests is directed towards the Green New Deal and Agenda 2030 policies but there has been a widespread reluctance to deal with political figures or even participate in talks with officials and are videos being promoted that show farmers smashing through police barricades and being praised as if to encourage other farmers to do the same – which the worldwide alternative media are showing as heroic and reassuring others this is how to overcome the problems they are facing rather than by intelligent solutions.
One individual who is standing out as a leader of the protests in Italy is Danilo Calvani who runs the C.R.A Betrayed farmers group and is known as somewhat of an agitator, he was even previously a supporter of the Italian Socialist Party, see the following excerpt from the World Socialist Website:
Calvani is a vegetable farmer from the Latium region, where he leads a farmers’ association. He told the newspaper Il Messaggero that he had voted for the Christian Democrats, the Socialist Party of Bettino Craxi, then later Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, the Greens or no one at all. Although he disputed the many reports that he had called for a military dictatorship, he confirmed that he “only supports the forces of law and order.”
Calvani used to be a leader of the Forconi (Pitch Fork) Movement in 2013, again refusing to engage politically and organising protests with outbreaks of violence and vile behaviour. He claims publicly to be against people turning up to protests and acting aggressively but his past tells a different story.
The reason to have controlled opposition is obvious it enables the perpetrator to prevent their opponent from overpowering them and can be used suppress future resistance through corruption of the target’s intelligence by programming them with fake information leading to confusion and impotence.
We need a complete reform of our systems with priority of individual rights and strong moral foundations but a complete destruction of the old system will play into the hands of those who seek to destroy democracy and the positive aspects of the West – Order out of chaos – A New World Order.
A new system governed by Russia, China and Israel would truly be a dystopian hell scape for us.
Our circumstances will not change until we have a large base of citizens who are vigilant, intelligent and willing to commit themselves to creating a better society legally and lawfully, through rational debate and action rather than demands and aggression.
Draw up your own solutions working with others on the grass roots level that benefit you and your business not the chemical companies, learn about the various conflicts of interest in the climate change movement and the implications of Agenda 2030 for individual rights.